We are all missing U, but last night that feeling felt a whole lot deeper. I miss his smile, his hugs, his caring nature, and his wit; I miss my little boy. It's only been a week and a half since we left him, the thought of having to wait until December to see him again makes the pain feel a little sharper. To give myself some comfort I decided to write a few words about the peace I felt when we dropped him off.
I felt very much at peace as we left him on August 15
th, you see its a very special day for us. Two years ago last August 15, on the
Feast of the Assumption of Mary U and I
consecrated ourselves to Jesus through Mary. U was almost twelve, and he read a
story about
St. Louis de Montfort and asked us to read it. AFter reading the book U wanted to consecrate himself and simultaneously,I was thinking of doing this devotion myself. I decided to do the consecration with U. Completing our 33 days of prayer and mediation was extremely difficult since Rose had a major surgery and was hospitalized for nine days. All we did, during that time was drive an hour to the hospital early in the morning, stay at the hospital with Rose and drive back another hour late at night. All with a
nursing 4 month old in tow. With God's grace we did
complete this devotion, and
finished the final
consecration at the the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in Baltimore. We didn't' think we would make it to the Basilica on the 15 of August, since Rose had just come home from the hospital just a couple of days prior. She insisted we go and we did and it was a beautiful day, one of the mountain top moments.
Last year we were praying about buying our first house,we asked Our Lady for prayers. I promised her that if she would pray for us to find us a house before the Feast of the
Assumption we would have a Mass offered at our house in her honor. Our Lady came through for us, we closed on the 10
th ! We had the Mass at our home on August 15
th, you can see the pictures from that day
Now a year later, we left U with on August 15
th. He was suppose to fly out to the Minor Seminary on the 10
th of August, but the Seminarians plans changed, and they were going camping on NY. So I asked if we can drive him up, and they were fine with that. They called us and asked if we wanted to join them on some pilgrimages and we did. We prayed with them, ate with them and just hung out. After the Mass of the Feast of the Assumption U and I reconsecrated our selves. I felt so much
peace as we drove away, as if U is in the arms of Our Lady.
Lord help me remember the peace I felt as I miss my little boy.