Monday, December 6, 2010

Happy 10th Birthday Mystical Rose!!

Top Ten things we love about you
  1. Your love for Jesus in the Eucharist.
  2. Your love of family and friends.
  3. You are sweet, innocent and beautiful
  4. Your smile, and how it brightens everyone's day.
  5. We love how caring your are towards your little sister, and that you include her in games even when your friends are over.
  6. Your love for reading and drawing.
  7. Even at 10 you love to sleep on our bed any chance you get.
  8. How you love to surprise us when we are gone from the house by cleaning up, just to make us happy.
  9. You get along with just about everyone.
  10. Last but not least, your courage for enduring all the medical stuff you've had to go through, and not a peep when you have to get your blood drawn.

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