*From Google Reader

hope you feel edgamacated
This little space will let you all into the inner workings of a Catholic Homeschooling Family.
We came back from Summer Camp recently…okay maybe not so recently we came back Sunday. Now I am posting :)
Typical morning.
Polar Bear Plunge—6:00 am
We all went down to the pool to have a EARLY MORNING SWIM. The water was really COLD, I think I might have frozen, who knows?
Morning Colors Ceremony — 7:45 am
We raise the flag that the staff gave us.
Breakfast — 8:00 am
Self explanatory I guess, we ate food. Every day we had a bowl of cereal, than we had something like bacon and eggs or pancakes or something else. Like all the other meals there was a scout that was the designated waiter (Aka poor soul that has to run and get food and eat quickly before we want seconds, thirds, fourths...etc.)
Morning Activity Period — 9:00 am to 10:00 am
This is the first Merit badge period. I took Woodworking, where I learned to attach hinges, make blueprints, build a box, build without nails (use dowels), cut edges, and draw out measurements (not all at once).
Morning Instruction Periods — 10:00 am to 12:00 noon
Woodworking is a two period merit badge, so I was still working.