Most of the boys are 2-3 years older than him
After the games we watched the formal retreat ceremony. This camp has a unique tradition of respecting the Flag with a retreat and pass and review. It is really cool. The marching isn't exactly done with military precision but not bad for a bunch of tired sweaty kids.
After retreat the family ate dinner togetherand everyone got ready for the final campfire. This is where all of the campers are recognised for all of their accomplishments for the week. The Order of the Arrow also puts on a really cool show. The OA is the national honor society for Boy Scouts. It uses American- Indian styled traditions and ceremonies. The boys are elected by the peers for best exemplifying the ideals of Scouting. This was the first year that the boys went to camp as "Arrowmen" so they were able to participate in the pageant. As we were walking to the campfire all of the boys in the padgeant lined our path.
This was G-MACs first year visiting camp and Mallu and Rose last visited two years ago. In the past I have either gone to camp with the boys as an abult leader or come for the games and stayed the night. This was the first year that I was just a visiting parent, it was kinda nice! No pressure no responsibilities.