--Crucian Dad
This little space will let you all into the inner workings of a Catholic Homeschooling Family.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Crucian Dad AKA Mr porcupine
I have had a nagging shoulder injury for about a year now. I think I strained/tore a ligament while rolling in my Brazillian Jui Jitsu class (Mallu mom calls it wrestling with a bunch of sweaty guys in pajamas) Anyways Mallu's dad runs a Ayurvedic Herbal massage business.I thought that while I was there they could help my shoulder. They decided that acupuncture would be more beneficial than just massage. Well it was a little weird but it didn't hurt at all. I pretty much lay there, I even fell asleep once. At the later sessions the acupuncturist manipulated my arm with the needles still in. Well the verdict......... only 3 treatments really don't do much. My arm felt OK for a few days after the treatments but I think that if I could have had more treatments I would have seen a more permanent result.
--Crucian Dad

--Crucian Dad