Sunday, January 15, 2012


We were praying that our bundle of joy would arrive before "U" went back to Minor Seminary, but that was not meant to be. Yes I was a bit demanding of God, we want a baby, a healthy baby, and we want him to be born two weeks early!!
My thirty-eight week check up reviled that the baby's head is down but he is in posterior position and he not engaged in my pelvis. This is due to the fact belly is so far stretched out. I tend to get very impatient at the end of my pregnancies. Inch was born two weeks early and I think that gives me some kind of hope that it will happen with each baby. As I was walking up to receive Holy Communion last Thursday I finally said "Thy will be done."
Crucian Dad had a four day weekend, this hasn't happened in a very long time. We were all so excited... well he caught a pretty bad cold with non stop cough. Not the best time for him to be the labor coach nor to bring a baby home. This has helped me with my impatients to hold our little boy. Now I am praying for Crucian Dad to get better and the rest of us to stay healthy, and for safe delivery. Please keep us in prayer.

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