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I am joining over 2900 Catholics to pray the St. Therese Novena!
I’m pretty excited to pray this with so many faithful Catholics around the world and I thought you’d like to join too!
There are thousands of people praying through this novena website and there will be millions praying around the world.
+ Sign up for handy email reminders to get the the novena prayers here: St. Therese Novena
+ If you have a website, post about it there!
+ Email your friends and family and get them praying too!
Let’s get all the Catholics we know to pray this novena together to St. Therese!
Hear the requests of all those who seek her intercession, especially the petition I now implore... (mention here the favour you wish to pray for).
May we follow her example in heeding Your cry of thirst from the Cross and joyfully loving You in the distressing disguise of the poorest of the poor, especially those most unloved and unwanted.
We ask this in Your name and through the intercession of Mary, Your Mother and the Mother of us all.