Monday, February 6, 2012

getting thinner!

I have never been one for diets...this is a well known fact!
I LOVE TO doesn't help that my wife can cook sooo well and I travel as lot
a few of my friends have had a lot of success with a new diet....The 17 Day Diet .Broken up in 17 day cycles it's not too extreme nor is it complicated it seemed to me like your regular run of the mill carb/sugar restricted diet. Since so many of my friends have seen pretty good results I figure that it couldn't hurt to try. I figured that since I wasn't traveling until the baby came this was the perfect time. The results were in a word AMAZING...... I started out at 233lbs and I am now around 216!

I didn't think I would be able to continue this diet when I started to travel again I have since stopped this diet and joined Weight Watchers....BTW the weight has kept off!!



Sarah Oldham said...

Congratulations!!!! I'm very happy for you!!!! I need to drop 30, but in an healthy manner so I don't get sick. Well, I'm currently sick w/ this coughing stuff, but that will go away. At the moment, I'm working on DAILY breakfast (a lifelong bad habit of skipping makes it very difficult) and taking my B/iron multi-vitamins. Yes, cutting back on sugar (it's truly amazing just how much sugar is in an average person's diet these days) and carbs is a good way to go about it. I wish you continued success!

Maurisa said...

Hey guys, I've given you an award on my blog for being a wonderful, inspirational, and under appreciated blog.

Love and miss you!
