Friday, January 1, 2010

Our New Year Resolutions

Crucian Dad
- Continue to work out at least 3X a week
- Start Masters program (or at least select a program)
- Have more patience
- Talk less (those that know me...this will be the hardest one!)

Mallu Mom
- lose 10 lbs
- Get back to praying the daily office
-Stay on top of Laundry
- have more fun

- Exercise consistently... Staring with P-90 for the 90 days
-Study for the SAT

- Go to Adoration more often( at least twice a month)
-Wake up to an alarm

Mystical Rose
-learn to cook
-be less hyper!

- wean! (she may need a little help with this one)


Maurisa said...

Don't do it, GMAC! It's a ploy, an evil ploy!

Anonymous said...

I'm working on the Personal Fitness Merit Badge. I know a guy that did it...


Unknown said...

You guys can all do it! I faith in you! You're all in my prayers!