Friday, September 18, 2009


A friend of ours gave GMAC a gift, Baby Signing Time, Dvd's & CD's. It has opened up a whole new world for us. We didn't realize how much really goes on in that little mind. We don't let GMAC watch the tube at all, the only exception is Signing time. She watches it once, maybe twice a week. It's amazing how much she has learned, and how well she can communicate with us by singing. She asks us to eat, drink, to take a bath and so much more by signing. She also knows how to sign Jesus, and Mary, no she didn't learn that from the DVD, she learned that from one of my friends. When GMAC listens to the CD in the van, Rose and even the boys sign with her. I would have to say the whole family has learned quite a bit of sign language form this wonderful gift.